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Vietoris-Rips complexes also provide topologically correct reconstructions of sampled shapes

Published: 01 May 2013 Publication History


Given a point set that samples a shape, we formulate conditions under which the Rips complex of the point set at some scale reflects the homotopy type of the shape. For this, we associate with each compact set X of R^n two real-valued functions c"X and h"X defined on R"+ which provide two measures of how much the set X fails to be convex at a given scale. First, we show that, when P is a finite point set, an upper bound on c"P(t) entails that the Rips complex of P at scale r collapses to the Cech complex of P at scale r for some suitable values of the parameters t and r. Second, we prove that, when P samples a compact set X, an upper bound on h"X over some interval guarantees a topologically correct reconstruction of the shape X either with a Cech complex of P or with a Rips complex of P. Regarding the reconstruction with Cech complexes, our work compares well with previous approaches when X is a smooth set and surprisingly enough, even improves constants when X has a positive @m-reach. Most importantly, our work shows that Rips complexes can also be used to provide shape reconstructions having the correct homotopy type. This may be of some computational interest in high dimensions.


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  1. Vietoris-Rips complexes also provide topologically correct reconstructions of sampled shapes



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications
      Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications  Volume 46, Issue 4
      May, 2013
      91 pages


      Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


      Publication History

      Published: 01 May 2013

      Author Tags

      1. Čech complexes
      2. Clique complexes
      3. Collapses
      4. High dimensions
      5. Rips complexes


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