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Early diagnosis and personalised treatment focusing on synthetic data modelling: : Novel visual learning approach in healthcare

Published: 01 September 2023 Publication History


The early diagnosis and personalised treatment of diseases are facilitated by machine learning. The quality of data has an impact on diagnosis because medical data are usually sparse, imbalanced, and contain irrelevant attributes, resulting in suboptimal diagnosis. To address the impacts of data challenges, improve resource allocation, and achieve better health outcomes, a novel visual learning approach is proposed. This study contributes to the visual learning approach by determining whether less or more synthetic data are required to improve the quality of a dataset, such as the number of observations and features, according to the intended personalised treatment and early diagnosis. In addition, numerous visualisation experiments are conducted, including using statistical characteristics, cumulative sums, histograms, correlation matrix, root mean square error, and principal component analysis in order to visualise both original and synthetic data to address the data challenges. Real medical datasets for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, cryotherapy and immunotherapy are selected as case studies. As a benchmark and point of classification comparison in terms of such as accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, several models are implemented such as k-Nearest Neighbours and Random Forest. To simulate algorithm implementation and data, Generative Adversarial Network is used to create and manipulate synthetic data, whilst, Random Forest is implemented to classify the data. An amendable and adaptable system is constructed by combining Generative Adversarial Network and Random Forest models. The system model presents working steps, overview and flowchart. Experiments reveal that the majority of data-enhancement scenarios allow for the application of visual learning in the first stage of data analysis as a novel approach. To achieve meaningful adaptable synergy between appropriate quality data and optimal classification performance while maintaining statistical characteristics, visual learning provides researchers and practitioners with practical human-in-the-loop machine learning visualisation tools. Prior to implementing algorithms, the visual learning approach can be used to actualise early, and personalised diagnosis. For the immunotherapy data, the Random Forest performed best with precision, recall, f-measure, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of 81%, 82%, 81%, 88%, 95%, and 60%, as opposed to 91%, 96%, 93%, 93%, 96%, and 73% for synthetic data, respectively. Future studies might examine the optimal strategies to balance the quantity and quality of medical data.


A novel hybrid visual learning approach based on experiments for human judgment and modelling.
Personalised and early diagnosis system adaptable at data and algorithm levels.
Original and synthetic data visualisation experiments for well-informed classification.
Addressing challenging medical data: the root cause of suboptimal diagnosis.
GAN and RF integration and combination to generate, manipulate and classify data.


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  1. Early diagnosis and personalised treatment focusing on synthetic data modelling: Novel visual learning approach in healthcare
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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Computers in Biology and Medicine
            Computers in Biology and Medicine  Volume 164, Issue C
            Sep 2023
            1450 pages


            Pergamon Press, Inc.

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 01 September 2023

            Author Tags

            1. Personalised and early diagnosis
            2. Machine learning
            3. Imbalanced UCI data
            4. Generative Adversarial Network
            5. Random Forest
            6. Synthetic data
            7. Visualisations
            8. Healthcare


            • Research-article


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