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Directed Graph Mapping exceeds Phase Mapping for the detection of simulated 2D meandering rotors in fibrotic tissue with added noise

Published: 09 July 2024 Publication History


Cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (AF) are recognised to be associated with re-entry or rotors. A rotor is a wave of excitation in the cardiac tissue that wraps around its refractory tail, causing faster-than-normal periodic excitation. The detection of rotor centres is of crucial importance in guiding ablation strategies for the treatment of arrhythmia. The most popular technique for detecting rotor centres is Phase Mapping (PM), which detects phase singularities derived from the phase of a signal. This method has been proven to be prone to errors, especially in regimes of fibrotic tissue and temporal noise. Recently, a novel technique called Directed Graph Mapping (DGM) was developed to detect rotational activity such as rotors by creating a network of excitation. This research aims to compare the performance of advanced PM techniques versus DGM for the detection of rotors using 64 simulated 2D meandering rotors in the presence of various levels of fibrotic tissue and temporal noise. Four strategies were employed to compare the performances of PM and DGM. These included a visual analysis, a comparison of F 2-scores and distance distributions, and calculating p-values using the mid-p McNemar test. Results indicate that in the case of low meandering, fibrosis and noise, PM and DGM yield excellent results and are comparable. However, in the case of high meandering, fibrosis and noise, PM is undeniably prone to errors, mainly in the form of an excess of false positives, resulting in low precision. In contrast, DGM is more robust against these factors as F 2-scores remain high, yielding F 2 ≥ 0 . 931 as opposed to the best PM F 2 ≥ 0 . 635 across all 64 simulations.


DGM obtains F2-scores ≥ 0.931 for 64 rotor simulations of various complexities.
DGM detects more rotors that are closer to the ground truth than PM.
PM suffers from false positives especially in high meandering, fibrosis and noise regimes.
DGM in essence generalises PM by detecting all possible loop shapes and sizes.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Computers in Biology and Medicine
Computers in Biology and Medicine  Volume 171, Issue C
Mar 2024
1547 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 09 July 2024

Author Tags

  1. DGM
  2. PM
  3. AF
  4. EGM
  5. SNR
  6. LAT
  7. CV
  9. TP
  10. TN
  11. FP
  12. FN

Author Tags

  1. Directed Graph Mapping
  2. Phase Mapping
  3. Performance comparison
  4. Simulated rotors
  5. Meandering
  6. Fibrosis
  7. Noise


  • Research-article


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