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Computer support for learning mathematics: A learning environment based on recreational learning objects

Published: 01 May 2007 Publication History


In this paper, we introduce an electronic collaborative learning environment based on Interactive Instructors of Recreational Mathematics (IIRM), establishing an alternative approach for motivating students towards mathematics. The IIRM are educational software components, specializing in mathematical concepts, presented through recreational mathematics, conceived as interactive, recreation-oriented learning objects, integrated within the environment. We present the architecture of the learning environment which integrates communication services that support the interaction processes of the learning community, through instant messaging, chat rooms, and multi-player math games. Through the environment's interface of their personal workspace, students have access to several easy-to-use mechanisms that allows them to customize its content, its layout, and its appearance. At internal levels, the functionality of IIRM is enhanced with features supported by the environment infrastructure. We evaluated different aspects of the learning environment in three short, motivation-oriented math courses given to Mexican high-school students. The results indicate that the use of the IIRM-based electronic learning environment, positively affects student attitudes towards mathematics. We believe that this approach has the potential to promote the mathematics learning process, basically on its motivational aspects.


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Published In

cover image Computers & Education
Computers & Education  Volume 48, Issue 4
May, 2007
197 pages


Elsevier Science Ltd.

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2007

Author Tags

  1. Architectures for educational technology system
  2. Cooperative/collaborative learning
  3. Distributed learning environments
  4. Interactive learning environments
  5. Multimedia/hypermedia systems


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