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Avatar customization orientation and undergraduate-course outcomes: : Actual-self avatars are better than ideal-self and future-self avatars

Published: 01 December 2022 Publication History


Digital education tools increasingly incorporate mechanisms traditionally associated with video games, such as avatars, defined as mediated representations of human users that facilitate interactions with others. Harnessing avatars to promote behavioral change and positive outcomes—the concept of avatar-focused gamification—is underexplored within educational contexts. The present research examines the potential for instructional designers to influence students' avatar customization orientation—defined as an individual's psychological approach to creating an avatar—to improve education-related outcomes; namely, student performance, self-efficacy, and growth mindset. Results of a field experiment (N = 170) in an undergraduate course suggest that, unexpectedly, using an ideal-self or future-self avatar, compared to an actual-self avatar, was associated with slightly lower exam scores and self-efficacy, though no association was found with growth mindset. Based on these findings, we suggest that educators encourage their students to customize avatars to represent who they actually are, while researchers should continue to explore other types of avatar customization guidelines that might be beneficial for students.


Avatar customization orientation potentially influences student outcomes.
Students customized avatars to represent ideal, future, or actual selves.
Avatars were used in course-related communication through the semester.
Ideal- and future-self avatars unexpectedly hindered performance and self-efficacy.
Actual-self avatars are a better alternative to assign undergraduate students.


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cover image Computers & Education
Computers & Education  Volume 191, Issue C
Dec 2022
279 pages


Elsevier Science Ltd.

United Kingdom

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Published: 01 December 2022

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  1. Avatars
  2. Avatar customization
  3. Field experiment
  4. Gamification
  5. Proteus effect


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  • (2023)Am I Like Me? Avatar Self-similarity and Satisfaction in a Professional Training EnvironmentLearning and Collaboration Technologies10.1007/978-3-031-34411-4_26(384-400)Online publication date: 23-Jul-2023

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