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Cross-layer detection and defence mechanism against DDoS and DRDoS attacks in software-defined networks using P4 switches

Published: 01 August 2024 Publication History


This paper presents a comprehensive system for detecting and defending against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) and distributed reflective denial-of-service (DRDoS) flood attacks in software-defined networking (SDN) environments using Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors (P4). The proposed system introduces a hybrid intrusion statistical threshold algorithm (HISTA) that analyzes intrusion data statistics to identify potential malicious attacks. Upon detection, the system utilises P4 programmability to implement a custom defence mechanism on the P4 switch. A novel Uruk protocol header collaborates with HISTA for enhanced cross-layer attack detection and categorisation. The HISTA-Uruk mechanism selectively discards malicious packets while ensuring uninterrupted communication for legitimate packets, effectively preventing DDoS/DRDoS attacks. Extensive experiments validate the system’s ability to efficiently detect and thwart various DDoS, DRDoS, and internal attacks, demonstrating its effectiveness in identifying threats and restoring impacted network connections across diverse attack scenarios.

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Proposed HISTA accurately detects network attacks using intrusion statistics.
Introducing Uruk protocol header, collaborating with HISTA in P4 SDNs.
Extensive experimentation validates HISTA Uruk mechanism efficacy.


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Index Terms

  1. Cross-layer detection and defence mechanism against DDoS and DRDoS attacks in software-defined networks using P4 switches
            Index terms have been assigned to the content through auto-classification.



            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            cover image Computers and Electrical Engineering
            Computers and Electrical Engineering  Volume 118, Issue PA
            Aug 2024
            1425 pages


            Pergamon Press, Inc.

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 01 August 2024

            Author Tags

            1. DDoS attack
            2. DRDoS attack
            3. Software-defined network
            4. Intrusion detection
            5. Network security


            • Research-article


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