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Visual word proximity and linguistics for semantic video indexing and near-duplicate retrieval

Published: 01 March 2009 Publication History


Bag-of-visual-words (BoW) has recently become a popular representation to describe video and image content. Most existing approaches, nevertheless, neglect inter-word relatedness and measure similarity by bin-to-bin comparison of visual words in histograms. In this paper, we explore the linguistic and ontological aspects of visual words for video analysis. Two approaches, soft-weighting and constraint-based earth mover's distance (CEMD), are proposed to model different aspects of visual word linguistics and proximity. In soft-weighting, visual words are cleverly weighted such that the linguistic meaning of words is taken into account for bin-to-bin histogram comparison. In CEMD, a cross-bin matching algorithm is formulated such that the ground distance measure considers the linguistic similarity of words. In particular, a BoW ontology which hierarchically specifies the hyponym relationship of words is constructed to assist the reasoning. We demonstrate soft-weighting and CEMD on two tasks: video semantic indexing and near-duplicate keyframe retrieval. Experimental results indicate that soft-weighting is superior to other popular weighting schemes such as term frequency (TF) weighting in large-scale video database. In addition, CEMD shows excellent performance compared to cosine similarity in near-duplicate retrieval.


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Published In

cover image Computer Vision and Image Understanding
Computer Vision and Image Understanding  Volume 113, Issue 3
March, 2009
119 pages


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2009

Author Tags

  1. CEMD matching
  2. Linguistic similarity
  3. Near-duplicate keyframe
  4. Semantic concept
  5. Soft-weighting
  6. Visual ontology


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