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On the NBC-complexes and β-invariants of abstract convex geometries

Published: 01 April 2009 Publication History


An (abstract) convex geometry is a combinatorial abstraction of convexity which is a Moore family with the closure operator satisfying the anti-exchange property. A number of results of matroids on the NBC-complexes (or broken circuit complexes) happen to have some exact analogues in convex geometries: for instance, the Whitney-Rota's formula of the characteristic function of a matroid, Brylawski's decomposition of the NBC-complexes, etc. A @b-invariant of a convex geometry is derived from the characteristic function in the same way as that of a matroid. We introduce a merging of two convex geometries, which is called a 1-sum, and exhibit the resultant value of the @b-invariant of a 1-sum.


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  1. On the NBC-complexes and β-invariants of abstract convex geometries



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Discrete Applied Mathematics
    Discrete Applied Mathematics  Volume 157, Issue 8
    April, 2009
    306 pages


    Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


    Publication History

    Published: 01 April 2009

    Author Tags

    1. Broken circuit complex
    2. Characteristic polynomial
    3. Closure operator
    4. Matroid
    5. Rooted circuit


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