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View all- He XZhang H(2023)Complete forcing numbers of complete and almost-complete multipartite graphsJournal of Combinatorial Optimization10.1007/s10878-023-01078-746:2Online publication date: 24-Aug-2023
We define the anti-forcing number of a perfect matching M of a graph G as the minimal number of edges of G whose deletion results in a subgraph with a unique perfect matching M , denoted by a f ( G , M ) . The anti-forcing number of a graph proposed by ...
For a connected graph G of order p>=2, a set S@__ __V(G) is a geodetic set of G if each vertex v@__ __V(G) lies on an x-y geodesic for some elements x and y in S. The minimum cardinality of a geodetic set of G is defined as the geodetic number of G, ...
The anti-forcing number of a perfect matching M of a graph G is the minimal number of edges not in M whose removal to make M as a unique perfect matching of the resulting graph. The set of anti-forcing numbers of all perfect matchings of G is the anti-...
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