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Backdoor attacks and defenses in federated learning: : Survey, challenges and future research directions

Published: 01 February 2024 Publication History


Federated learning (FL) is an approach within the realm of machine learning (ML) that allows the use of distributed data without compromising personal privacy. In FL, it becomes evident that the training data among participants frequently exhibit heterogeneous distribution characteristics. This inherent heterogeneity poses a substantial challenge for the orchestration server as it strives to assess the reliability of each local model update. Due to this challenge, FL becomes susceptible to various potential risks, with the ominous backdoor attack standing out as one of the most menacing threats. Backdoor attacks involve the insertion of malicious functionality into a targeted model through poisoned updates from malicious clients. These attacks can cause the global model to misbehave on specific inputs while appearing normal in other instances. Although the backdoor attacks received significant attention for their potential impact on practical deep learning applications, their exploration within the realm of FL remains limited. This survey seeks to address this gap by offering an all-encompassing examination of prevailing backdoor attack tactics and defenses in the context of FL. We include an exhaustive analysis of diverse approaches to provide a comprehensive understanding of this intricate landscape. Furthermore, we also discuss the challenges and potential future directions for attacks and defenses in the context of FL.


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      cover image Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
      Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence  Volume 127, Issue PA
      Jan 2024
      1599 pages


      Pergamon Press, Inc.

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      Published: 01 February 2024

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      2. Decentralized learning
      3. Backdoor attacks
      4. Backdoor defenses
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      • (2024)GANcrop: A Contrastive Defense Against Backdoor Attacks in Federated LearningProceedings of the 2024 5th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things10.1145/3670105.3670211(606-612)Online publication date: 24-May-2024
      • (2024)A bipolar neutrosophic combined compromise solution-based hybrid model for identifying blockchain application barriers and Benchmarking consensus algorithmsEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence10.1016/j.engappai.2024.108343133:PDOnline publication date: 1-Jul-2024
      • (2023)IBAProceedings of the 37th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems10.5555/3666122.3669018(66364-66376)Online publication date: 10-Dec-2023

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