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Document clustering method using dimension reduction and support vector clustering to overcome sparseness

Published: 01 June 2014 Publication History


This study proposes new method to overcome sparsity problem of document clustering.We build combined method using dimension reduction, K-means clustering, and SVC.In particular, we attempt to overcome the sparseness in patent document clustering.First, we conduct experiment using news data from UCI machine learning repository.Second, using retrieved patent documents, we carry out patent clustering. Many studies on developing technologies have been published as articles, papers, or patents. We use and analyze these documents to find scientific and technological trends. In this paper, we consider document clustering as a method of document data analysis. In general, we have trouble analyzing documents directly because document data are not suitable for statistical and machine learning methods of analysis. Therefore, we have to transform document data into structured data for analytical purposes. For this process, we use text mining techniques. The structured data are very sparse, and hence, it is difficult to analyze them. This study proposes a new method to overcome the sparsity problem of document clustering. We build a combined clustering method using dimension reduction and K-means clustering based on support vector clustering and Silhouette measure. In particular, we attempt to overcome the sparseness in patent document clustering. To verify the efficacy of our work, we first conduct an experiment using news data from the machine learning repository of the University of California at Irvine. Second, using patent documents retrieved from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, we carry out patent clustering for technology forecasting.


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Fazli Can

In this paper, the authors aim to address three problems associated with document clustering: determining the number of clusters, structuring the collection description matrix into a form suitable for statistical analysis, and overcoming the collection description matrix sparseness problem. For determining the number of clusters, they employ support vector clustering (SVC) and a measure called Silhouette. To overcome sparseness and make data more suitable for statistical analysis, they combine singular value decomposition (SVD) and principal component analysis (PCA). The authors perform experiments using two document collections: a set of 159 news articles, and 98 patent documents. In the first set of experiments, the goal is to show the efficacy of their approach. In patent data tests, their aim is measuring the success of their method in predicting research and development trends. The results of the experiments are inconclusive. In both cases, the experimental collections are too small. In the trend analysis, the authors hypothesize and show that, in a research field with a small number of patents, it is expected that there would be a greater number of patents in later years. The authors provide only one observation to support their claim. This paper would have been better if they had provided several observations with more data covering a wider time window. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal  Volume 41, Issue 7
June, 2014
443 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2014

Author Tags

  1. Dimension reduction
  2. Document clustering
  3. K-means clustering based on support vector clustering
  4. Patent clustering
  5. Silhouette measure
  6. Sparseness problem


  • Research-article


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