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An advanced GAVNS combination for multicriteria route planning in public transit networks

Published: 15 April 2017 Publication History


A modeling approach for representing a public transit network is proposed.The multicriteria shortest path problem in public transit networks is addressed.A new hybrid GAVNS approach is introduced to solve the multicriteria shortest path problem.The proposed GAVNS is more efficient than the algorithm of Dijkstra, a pure GA and a pure VNS.An efficient real world routing system has been developed using the proposed GAVNS algorithm. Nowadays, passengers in urban public transport systems do not only seek a short-time travel, but they also ask for optimizing other criteria such as cost and effort. Therefore, an efficient routing system should incorporate a multiobjective analysis into its search process. Several algorithms have been proposed to optimally compute the set of nondominated journeys while going from one place to another such as the generalization of the algorithm of Dijkstra. However, such approaches become less performant or even inapplicable when the size of the network becomes very large or when the number of criteria considered is very important. Therefore, we propose in this paper an advanced heuristic approach whereby a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is combined with a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) to solve the Multicriteria Shortest Path Problem (MSPP) in multimodal networks. As transportation modes, we focus on railway, bus, tram and pedestrian. As optimization criteria, we consider travel time, monetary cost, number of transfers and the total walking time. The proposed approach is compared with the exact algorithm of Dijkstra, as well as, with a standard GA and a pure VNS. Experimental results have been assessed by solving real life itinerary problems defined on the transport network of the city of Paris and its suburbs. Results indicate that the proposed combination GAVNS represents the best approach in terms of computational time and solutions quality for a real world routing system.


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  1. An advanced GAVNS combination for multicriteria route planning in public transit networks



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal
    Expert Systems with Applications: An International Journal  Volume 72, Issue C
    April 2017
    455 pages


    Pergamon Press, Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 15 April 2017

    Author Tags

    1. Hybrid metaheuristic
    2. Modeling and solving
    3. Multicriteria analysis
    4. Multimodal networks
    5. Real-world application
    6. Variable neighborhood search
    7. genetic algorithms


    • Research-article


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