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Congestion control in high-speed lossless data center networks: : A survey

Published: 01 December 2018 Publication History


In data centers, packet losses cause high retransmission delays, which is harmful to many real-time workloads. To prevent packet losses, the lossless fabrics have been deployed in many production data centers. However, when network congestion happens, the lossless fabric also causes many problems like saturation tree and unfairness, which seriously degrade the performance of data center applications. Therefore, how to control the congestion in high-speed lossless data center networks is a significant problem.
In this paper, we first introduce link layer flow control schemes to provide lossless fabrics. Then we survey congestion control schemes in high-speed lossless data center networks. In particular, we classify existing congestion control schemes into two categories: reactive and proactive. Finally, we present the challenges and opportunities for future research in this area.


This paper introduces the network congestion in high-speed lossless networks.
This paper presents the typical Link-layer Flow Control (LFC) schemes which can achieve network lossless.
This paper surveys several congestion control schemes which are deployed in lossless networks.
This paper compares the existing congestion control schemes and presents their merits and demerits.
This paper puts forward several challenges and opportunities of designing congestion control schemes for high-speed lossless DCNs.


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          cover image Future Generation Computer Systems
          Future Generation Computer Systems  Volume 89, Issue C
          Dec 2018
          816 pages


          Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


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          Published: 01 December 2018

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          1. High-speed lossless data center network (DCN)
          2. Network congestion
          3. Congestion control


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