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Same-decision probability: A confidence measure for threshold-based decisions

Published: 01 December 2012 Publication History


We consider in this paper the robustness of decisions based on probabilistic thresholds. To this effect, we propose the same-decision probability as a query that can be used as a confidence measure for threshold-based decisions. More specifically, the same-decision probability is the probability that we would have made the same threshold-based decision, had we known the state of some hidden variables pertaining to our decision. We study a number of properties about the same-decision probability. First, we analyze its computational complexity. We then derive a bound on its value, which we can compute using a variable elimination algorithm that we propose. Finally, we consider decisions based on noisy sensors in particular, showing through examples that the same-decision probability can be used to reason about threshold-based decisions in a more refined way.


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  1. Same-decision probability: A confidence measure for threshold-based decisions



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
    International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  Volume 53, Issue 9
    December, 2012
    127 pages


    Elsevier Science Inc.

    United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 December 2012

    Author Tags

    1. Bayesian networks
    2. Computational complexity of reasoning
    3. Exact inference
    4. Robust decision making
    5. Sensitivity analysis
    6. Variable elimination


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