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Explaining black-box classifiers: : Properties and functions

Published: 01 April 2023 Publication History


Explaining black-box classification models is a hot topic in AI, with the overall goal of improving trust in decisions made by such models. Several works have been done and diverse functions have been proposed. However, their formal properties and links have not been sufficiently studied. This paper presents four contributions: The first consists of investigating global explanations of black-box classifiers. We provide a formal and unifying framework in which such explanations are defined from the whole feature space. The framework is based on two concepts, which are seen as two types of global explanations: arguments in favour of (or pro) predictions and arguments against (or con) predictions. The second contribution consists of defining various types of local explanations (abductive explanations, counterfactuals, contrastive explanations) from the whole feature space, investigating their properties, links and differences, and showing how they relate to global explanations. The third contribution consists of analysing and defining explanation functions that generate (global, local) abductive explanations from incomplete information (i.e., from a subset of the feature space). We start by proposing two desirable properties that an explainer would satisfy, namely success and coherence. The former ensures the existence of explanations while the latter ensures their correctness. We show that in the incomplete case, the two properties cannot be satisfied together. The fourth contribution consists of proposing two functions that generate abductive explanations and which satisfy coherence at the expense of success.


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  1. Explaining black-box classifiers: Properties and functions
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          cover image International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
          International Journal of Approximate Reasoning  Volume 155, Issue C
          Apr 2023
          145 pages


          Elsevier Science Inc.

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 April 2023

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          1. Classification
          2. Explainability
          3. Arguments


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