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The cyclic sieving phenomenon

Published: 01 October 2004 Publication History


The cyclic sieving phenomenon is defined for generating functions of a set affording a cyclic group action, generalizing Stembridge's <i>q</i> = -1 phenomenon. The phenomenon is shown to appear in various situations, involving <i>q</i>-binomial coefficients, Pólya-Redfield theory, polygon dissections, noncrossing partitions, finite reflection groups, and some finite field <i>q</i>-analogues.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A
Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A  Volume 108, Issue 1
October 2004
163 pages


Academic Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2004

Author Tags

  1. Hook formula
  2. Kraskiewicz-Weyman
  3. Schur function
  4. noncrossing partitions
  5. ordered tree
  6. polygon dissections
  7. principal specialization
  8. q-binomial coefficient
  9. q-multinomial coefficient
  10. roots-of-unity
  11. singer cycle
  12. springer regular element


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