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Perturbation-based methods for explaining deep neural networks: : A survey

Published: 01 October 2021 Publication History


Overview of the black box problem in DNNs and XAI research.
Survey of perturbation-based attribution methods for different input data types.
Future directions for research on perturbation paradigm.


Deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art results in a broad range of tasks, in particular the ones dealing with the perceptual data. However, full-scale application of DNNs in safety-critical areas is hindered by their black box-like nature, which makes their inner workings nontransparent. As a response to the black box problem, the field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has recently emerged and is currently rapidly growing. The present survey is concerned with perturbation-based XAI methods, which allow to explore DNN models by perturbing their input and observing changes in the output. We present an overview of the most recent research focusing on the differences and similarities in the applications of perturbation-based methods to different data types, from extensively studied perturbations of images to the just emerging research on perturbations of video, natural language, software code, and reinforcement learning entities.


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      cover image Pattern Recognition Letters
      Pattern Recognition Letters  Volume 150, Issue C
      Oct 2021
      313 pages


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      2. Explainable artificial intelligence
      3. Perturbation-based methods

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