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Digital twin for autonomous collaborative robot by using synthetic data and reinforcement learning

Published: 01 February 2024 Publication History


Training robots in real-world environments can be challenging due to time and cost constraints. To overcome these limitations, robots can be trained in virtual environments using Reinforcement Learning (RL). However, this approach faces a significant challenge in obtaining suitable data. This paper proposes a novel method for training collaborative robots in virtual environments using synthetic data and the point cloud framework. The proposed method is divided into four stages: data generation, 3D object classification, robot training, and integration. The first stage of the proposed method is data generation, where synthetic data is generated to resemble real-world scenarios. This data is then used to train robots in virtual environments. The second stage is 3D object classification, where the generated data is used to classify objects in 3D space. In the third stage, robots are trained using RL algorithms, which are based on the generated data and the 3D object classifications. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is integrated in the fourth stage. This proposed method has the potential to be a significant contribution to the field of robotics and 3D computer vision. By using synthetic data and the point cloud framework, the proposed method offers an efficient and cost-effective solution for training robots in virtual environments. The ability to reduce the time and cost required for training robots in real-world environments is a major advantage of this proposed method, and has the potential to revolutionize the field of robotics and 3D computer vision.


The increasing usage of robots cause the increase of programming time to adapt the arbitrary shapes of new products.
To deal with this, data synthesis for training object detection and reinforcement learning for finding grasp positions, are used.
The proposed method consists of the series of digital twins from 3D random generator, 2D computer vision, 3D depth scanning, gripper simulators, and path generator.
This approach can reduce manual work and increase productivity by developing a reinforcement learning safety path system using cooperative robots.


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cover image Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing  Volume 85, Issue C
Feb 2024
399 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 February 2024

Author Tags

  1. Object detection
  2. Synthetic data
  3. Point cloud
  4. Reinforcement learning
  5. Digital twin


  • Research-article


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