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Design and evaluation of C++ open multi-methods

Published: 01 July 2010 Publication History


Multiple dispatch-the selection of a function to be invoked based on the dynamic type of two or more arguments-is a solution to several classical problems in object-oriented programming. Open multi-methods generalize multiple dispatch towards open-class extensions, which improve separation of concerns and provisions for retroactive design. We present the rationale, design, implementation, performance, programming guidelines, and experiences of working with a language feature, called open multi-methods, for C++. Our open multi-methods support both repeated and virtual inheritance. Our call resolution rules generalize both virtual function dispatch and overload resolution semantics. After using all information from argument types, these rules can resolve further ambiguities by using covariant return types. Care was taken to integrate open multi-methods with existing C++ language features and rules. We describe a model implementation and compare its performance and space requirements to existing open multi-method extensions and work-around techniques for C++. Compared to these techniques, our approach is simpler to use, catches more user mistakes, and resolves more ambiguities through link-time analysis, is comparable in memory usage, and runs significantly faster. In particular, the runtime cost of calling an open multi-method is constant and less than the cost of a double dispatch (two virtual function calls). Finally, we provide a sketch of a design for open multi-methods in the presence of dynamic loading and linking of libraries.


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Susan Shepherd Ferebee

The fact that Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++, is one of the authors suggests that this paper on the C++ open multi-methods approach has validity. The authors ensure that the new approach supports C++ call-resolution semantics. Additionally, the work includes the changes to the C++ compiler, which are required for implementation. The paper addresses how object-oriented languages determine the method to invoke using a single runtime parameter. However, situations exist when the choice of function/method relies on two or more parameters. Additionally, these methods must be declared within class definitions, and programmers who design classes do not usually have enough information regarding the program's future use to address all issues that might arise at runtime. The authors believe that by separating classes and operations, static or dynamic dispatch can be chosen for each parameter at runtime. The authors discuss the following: Open-methods programming styles; Their function call for open methods and ambiguity resolution; Open methods in relation to other language characteristics; Required C++ compiler changes and extensions to the IA-64 object model; Other techniques that support multi-methods for C++; and Open multi-methods and the visitor pattern. The results show that the authors' open multi-methods approach is a significant improvement over existing techniques. Furthermore, the open multi-methods approach is only 16 percent slower than a current single dispatch approach. Open multi-methods can be applied to both hard real-time systems and embedded systems. Online Computing Reviews Service

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Published In

cover image Science of Computer Programming
Science of Computer Programming  Volume 75, Issue 7
July, 2010
197 pages


Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 2010

Author Tags

  1. Augmenting method problem
  2. Binary method problem
  3. C++
  4. Generic programming
  5. Multi-methods
  6. Multiple dispatch
  7. Object-oriented programming
  8. Open-methods


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