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Cache-related preemption delay via useful cache blocks: Survey and redefinition

Published: 01 August 2011 Publication History


Tasks in an embedded system are scheduled either preemptively or non-preemptively. In case of preemptive scheduling, interferences on the cache of the preempted and preempting task may extend the execution times. The corresponding delay is referred to as cache-related preemption delay (CRPD). Lee et al. [6] presented a CRPD analysis using the concept of useful cache block (UCB): a cache block is useful if it may be in the cache before a program point and may be reused after this point. If a preemption occurs at that point, the number of additional cache misses is bounded by the number of UCBs. An upper bound on the CRPD of the whole task is thus given by the program point with the largest set of UCBs. In this article, we provide a survey of the state of the art techniques to bound the CRPD, based on, but not limited to UCBs. Based on this survey we present an alternative definition of UCBs to improve the CRPD bounds substantially.


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Published In

cover image Journal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal
Journal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal  Volume 57, Issue 7
August, 2011
60 pages


Elsevier North-Holland, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2011

Author Tags

  1. Cache memory
  2. Context-switch costs
  3. Hard real-time systems
  4. Preemptive scheduling
  5. Static timing analysis


  • Article


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