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New algorithms on wavelet trees and applications to information retrieval

Published: 01 April 2012 Publication History


Wavelet trees are widely used in the representation of sequences, permutations, text collections, binary relations, discrete points, and other succinct data structures. We show, however, that this still falls short of exploiting all of the virtues of this versatile data structure. In particular we show how to use wavelet trees to solve fundamental algorithmic problems such as range quantile queries, range next value queries, and range intersection queries. We explore several applications of these queries in Information Retrieval, in particular document retrieval in hierarchical and temporal documents, and in the representation of inverted lists.


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    Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

    United Kingdom

    Publication History

    Published: 01 April 2012

    Author Tags

    1. 1D range queries
    2. Data structures
    3. Document retrieval
    4. Information retrieval
    5. Wavelet trees


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