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On some FPT problems without polynomial Turing compressions

Published: 22 February 2022 Publication History


An impressive hardness theory which can prove compression lower bounds for a large number of FPT problems has been established under the assumption that NP ⊈ coNP/poly. However, there are no problems in FPT for which the existence of polynomial Turing compressions under any widely believed complexity assumptions has been excluded. In this paper, we provide a technique which can be used to prove that some FPT problems have no small Turing compressions under the assumption that there exists a problem in NP which does not have small-sized circuits. These FPT problems, which include edge clique cover parameterized by the number of cliques, integer linear programming and a -choosability parameterized by some structural parameters, etc. have the property that they remain NP-hard under Cook reductions even if their parameter values are small. Moreover, a trade-off between the size of the Turing compression lower bound and the robustness of the complexity assumption is obtained. In particular, we demonstrate that these FPT problems have no polynomial Turing compressions unless every set in NP has quasi-polynomial-sized circuits, and have no 2 o ( k ) Turing compressions unless every set in NP has sub-exponential-sized circuits. Additionally, Turing kernelization lower bounds for these FPT problems are provided under some weaker complexity assumptions. Lastly, compression lower bounds for the above-mentioned FPT problems are proved under some complexity assumptions which are weaker than NP ⊈ coNP/poly, moreover, these results are proved under a method which is different from the previous hardness theory for compression lower bounds.


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            Published In

            cover image Theoretical Computer Science
            Theoretical Computer Science  Volume 905, Issue C
            Feb 2022
            106 pages


            Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd.

            United Kingdom

            Publication History

            Published: 22 February 2022

            Author Tags

            1. Turing compression
            2. Turing kernelization
            3. Parameterized complexity
            4. Compression
            5. Kernelization


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