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Esports as playful consumption experiences: : Examining the antecedents and consequences of game engagement

Published: 01 February 2023 Publication History


Playful consumption experiences influence esports game engagement.
Esports engagement positively impacts continuance intentions to play.
Esports engagement positively influences eWOM behavior.
Esports engagement positively influences posting online reviews.
Uses and gratification theory explain esports consumption experiences.


This study aims to propose and test a conceptual model identifying playful-consumption experiences (i.e., role-projection, fantasy, escapism, enjoyment, sensory experiences, emotional involvement, and arousal) as potential drivers of consumer esports videogame engagement as well as continuance intentions, electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), and online reviews as possible outcomes. Using the esports games' context and analyzing data from 290 gamers, the study utilized PLS-SEM using SmartPLS 3.3.9 to test the structural model. The results showed that the proposed playful-consumption experiences such as enjoyment, sensory experiences, emotional involvement, and arousal positively affect consumers’ esports game engagement. Furthermore, the results indicate the positive influence of esports game engagement on continuance intentions to play esports, eWOM and post online reviews. This study extends the esports gaming literature by examining both the antecedents and consequences of esports game engagement and provides valuable theoretical and practical implications.


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  1. Esports as playful consumption experiences: Examining the antecedents and consequences of game engagement
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      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image Telematics and Informatics
      Telematics and Informatics  Volume 77, Issue C
      Feb 2023
      127 pages


      Pergamon Press, Inc.

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 01 February 2023

      Author Tags

      1. Esports
      2. Playful consumption experiences
      3. Uses and gratification theory
      4. Consumer videogame engagement
      5. eWOM
      6. Online reviews


      • Research-article


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