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ActiveRDF: Embedding Semantic Web data into object-oriented languages

Published: 01 September 2008 Publication History


Semantic Web applications share a large portion of development effort with database-driven Web applications. Existing approaches for development of these database-driven applications cannot be directly applied to Semantic Web data due to differences in the underlying data model. We develop a mapping approach that embeds Semantic Web data into object-oriented languages and thereby enables reuse of existing Web application frameworks. We analyse the relation between the Semantic Web and the Web, and survey the typical data access patterns in Semantic Web applications. We discuss the mismatch between object-oriented programming languages and Semantic Web data, for example in the semantics of class membership, inheritance relations, and object conformance to schemas. We present ActiveRDF, an object-oriented API for managing RDF data that offers full manipulation and querying of RDF data, does not rely on a schema and fully conforms to RDF(S) semantics. ActiveRDF can be used with different RDF data stores: adapters have been implemented to generic SPARQL endpoints, Sesame, Jena, Redland and YARS and new adapters can be added easily. We demonstrate the usage of ActiveRDF and its integration with the popular Ruby on Rails framework which enables rapid development of Semantic Web applications.


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Elsevier Science Publishers B. V.


Publication History

Published: 01 September 2008

Author Tags

  1. Embedded data access
  2. Object-oriented programming
  3. RDF(S)
  4. Scripting languages
  5. Semantic Web


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