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Efficient Simulation of Formal Processor Models

Published: 01 May 2001 Publication History


Computer systems under development are routinely modeled by simulators, and formal verification can be integrated into conventional computer system development by reasoning directly about such simulators. Simulators must be extremely fast to be usable in a real development effort. We have crafted a model for a simple processor in the logic of the ACL2 theorem prover that supports both formal analysis and efficient execution, with performance near that of a simulator written in C. We demonstrate our approach using this simple model and indicate how we applied it to our latest microprocessor.


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Published In

cover image Formal Methods in System Design
Formal Methods in System Design  Volume 18, Issue 3
May 2001
129 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2001

Author Tags

  1. ACL2
  2. automated theorem proving
  3. formal methods
  4. microprocessor
  5. simulation
  6. verification


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