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A Multiphase Level Set Framework for Image Segmentation Using the Mumford and Shah Model

Published: 01 December 2002 Publication History


We propose a new multiphase level set framework for image segmentation using the Mumford and Shah model, for piecewise constant and piecewise smooth optimal approximations. The proposed method is also a generalization of an active contour model without edges based 2-phase segmentation, developed by the authors earlier in T. Chan and L. Vese (1999. In Scale-Space'99, M. Nilsen et al. (Eds.), LNCS, vol. 1682, pp. 141–151) and T. Chan and L. Vese (2001. IEEE-IP, 10(2):266–277). The multiphase level set formulation is new and of interest on its own: by construction, it automatically avoids the problems of vacuum and overlap; it needs only log n level set functions for n phases in the piecewise constant case; it can represent boundaries with complex topologies, including triple junctions; in the piecewise smooth case, only two level set functions formally suffice to represent any partition, based on The Four-Color Theorem. Finally, we validate the proposed models by numerical results for signal and image denoising and segmentation, implemented using the Osher and Sethian level set method.


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Published In

cover image International Journal of Computer Vision
International Journal of Computer Vision  Volume 50, Issue 3
December 2002
124 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 December 2002

Author Tags

  1. PDE's
  2. active contours
  3. curvature
  4. denoising
  5. edge detection
  6. energy minimization
  7. image segmentation
  8. level sets
  9. multi-phase motion


  • Article


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