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IndexFS: scaling file system metadata performance with stateless caching and bulk insertion

Published: 16 November 2014 Publication History
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  • Abstract

    The growing size of modern storage systems is expected to exceed billions of objects, making metadata scalability critical to overall performance. Many existing distributed file systems only focus on providing highly parallel fast access to file data, and lack a scalable metadata service. In this paper, we introduce a middleware design called IndexFS that adds support to existing file systems such as PVFS, Lustre, and HDFS for scalable high-performance operations on metadata and small files. IndexFS uses a table-based architecture that incrementally partitions the namespace on a per-directory basis, preserving server and disk locality for small directories. An optimized log-structured layout is used to store metadata and small files efficiently. We also propose two client-based storm-free caching techniques: bulk namespace insertion for creation intensive workloads such as N-N checkpointing; and stateless consistent metadata caching for hot spot mitigation. By combining these techniques, we have demonstrated IndexFS scaled to 128 metadata servers. Experiments show our out-of-core metadata throughput out-performing existing solutions such as PVFS, Lustre, and HDFS by 50% to two orders of magnitude.


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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    SC '14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
    November 2014
    1054 pages
    • General Chair:
    • Trish Damkroger,
    • Program Chair:
    • Jack Dongarra



    IEEE Press

    Publication History

    Published: 16 November 2014

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    Author Tags

    1. bulk insertion
    2. distributed file systems
    3. file system metadata
    4. log-structured merge tree
    5. stateless caching


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