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Ace-Sniper: Cloud–Edge Collaborative Scheduling Framework With DNN Inference Latency Modeling on Heterogeneous Devices

Published: 01 February 2024 Publication History


The cloud–edge collaborative inference requires efficient scheduling of artificial intelligence (AI) tasks to the appropriate edge intelligence devices. Gls DNN inference latency has become a vital basis for improving scheduling efficiency. However, edge devices exhibit highly heterogeneous due to the differences in hardware architectures, computing power, etc. Meanwhile, the diverse deep neural networks (DNNs) are continuing to iterate over time. The diversity of devices and DNNs introduces high computational costs for measurement methods, while invasive prediction methods face significant development efforts and application limitations. In this article, we propose and develop Ace-Sniper, a scheduling framework with DNN inference latency modeling on heterogeneous devices. First, to address the device heterogeneity, a unified hardware resource modeling (HRM) is designed by considering the platforms as black-box functions that output feature vectors. Second, neural network similarity (NNS) is introduced for feature extraction of diverse and frequently iterated DNNs. Finally, with the results of HRM and NNS as input, the performance characterization network is designed to predict the latencies of the given unseen DNNs on heterogeneous devices, which can be combined into most time-based scheduling algorithms. Experimental results show that the average relative error of DNN inference latency prediction is 11.11%, and the prediction accuracy reaches 93.2%. Compared with the nontime-aware scheduling methods, the average waiting time for tasks is reduced by 82.95%, and the platform throughput is improved by 63% on average.


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              cover image IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
              IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  Volume 43, Issue 2
              Feb. 2024
              300 pages


              IEEE Press

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              Published: 01 February 2024


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              • (2024)Power-efficient full-duplex near user with power allocation and antenna selection in NOMA-based systemsEURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking10.1186/s13638-024-02391-32024:1Online publication date: 23-Aug-2024
              • (2024)Arch2End: Two-Stage Unified System-Level Modeling for Heterogeneous Intelligent DevicesIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems10.1109/TCAD.2024.344370643:11(4154-4165)Online publication date: 1-Nov-2024

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