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Hashing with Angular Reconstructive Embeddings

Published: 01 February 2018 Publication History


Large-scale search methods are increasingly critical for many content-based visual analysis applications, among which hashing-based approximate nearest neighbor search techniques have attracted broad interests due to their high efficiency in storage and retrieval. However, existing hashing works are commonly designed for measuring data similarity by the Euclidean distances. In this paper, we focus on the problem of learning compact binary codes using the cosine similarity. Specifically, we proposed novel angular reconstructive embeddings (ARE) method, which aims at learning binary codes by minimizing the reconstruction error between the cosine similarities computed by original features and the resulting binary embeddings. Furthermore, we devise two efficient algorithms for optimizing our ARE in continuous and discrete manners, respectively. We extensively evaluate the proposed ARE on several large-scale image benchmarks. The results demonstrate that ARE outperforms several state-of-the-art methods.


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