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Multi-Branch Enhanced Discriminative Network for Vehicle Re-Identification

Published: 17 October 2023 Publication History


Vehicle re-identification (ReID) is the task of identifying the same vehicle across numerous cameras. This is a complex classification task, and the fine-grained information and strong discrimination features have proven to be effective in handling the re-identification classification task. However, most existing methods focuses on extracting local area features in combination with global features, while exploring subtle distinguishing features, which is a difficult task, remains an open problem and unsolved. In this paper, we propose a multi-branch enhanced discriminative network (MED) to better extract subtle distinguishing features that have high discriminative power to improve the ReID performance. In the proposed MED method, each feature map obtained by convolutional neural network (CNN) is divided into 4 spatial sub-maps, on each of which, the vertical and the horizontal branches are used to extract the subtle distinguishing features intrinsically contained in sub-areas. The vertical and the horizontal branches are combined with the global branch to perform the ReID task. Moreover, our proposed method is capable of extracting rich fine-grained features without the need of extra manual annotation while maintaining a simple design structure. We conducted extensive experiments on the vehicle ReID datasets (VehicleID and VeRi-776), showing that the proposed MED method outperforms most existing methods. Further, we directly apply the MED method to the pedestrian ReID problem on the Market-1501, DUKEMTMC, and MSMT17 datasets, achieving the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance as well. This demonstrates that the proposed method has good generality and can be flexibly applied to the ReID tasks.


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