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Model and Algorithm for Efficient Verification of High-Assurance Properties of Real-Time Systems

Published: 01 February 2003 Publication History


In this paper, we present a new compositional verification methodology for efficiently verifying high-assurance properties such as reachability and deadlock freedom of real-time systems. In this methodology, each component of real-time systems is initially specified as a timed automaton and it communicates with other components via synchronous and/or asynchronous communication channels. Then, each component is analyzed by a generation of its state-space graph which is formalized as a new state-space representation model called Multiset Labeled Transition Systems (MLTSs). Afterward, the state spaces of the components are hierarchically composed and simplified through a composition algorithm and a set of condensation rules, respectively, to get a condensed state space of the system. The simplified state spaces preserve equivalence with respect to deadlock and reachable states. Such equivalence is assured by our reduction theories called IOT-failure equivalence and IOT-state equivalence. To show the performance of our methodology, we developed a verification tool RT-IOTA and carried out experiments on some benchmarks such as CSMA/CD protocol, a rail-road crossing, an alternating bit-protocol, etc. Specifically, we look at the time taken to generate the state-space, the size of the state space, and the amount of reduction achieved by our condensation rules. The results demonstrate the strength of our new technique in dealing with the state-explosion problem.


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Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  Volume 15, Issue 2
February 2003
255 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 February 2003

Author Tags

  1. Composition verification
  2. IO-traces
  3. IOT-failures
  4. IOT-states
  5. labeled transition systems
  6. state space condensation.
  7. state space explosion
  8. timed automata


  • Research-article


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