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Online Feature Selection with Group Structure Analysis

Published: 01 November 2015 Publication History


Online selection of dynamic features has attracted intensive interest in recent years. However, existing online feature selection methods evaluate features individually and ignore the underlying structure of a feature stream. For instance, in image analysis, features are generated in groups which represent color, texture, and other visual information. Simply breaking the group structure in feature selection may degrade performance. Motivated by this observation, we formulate the problem as an online group feature selection. The problem assumes that features are generated individually but there are group structures in the feature stream. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the correlation among streaming features has been considered in the online feature selection process. To solve this problem, we develop a novel online group feature selection method named OGFS. Our proposed approach consists of two stages: online intra-group selection and online inter-group selection. In the intra-group selection, we design a criterion based on spectral analysis to select discriminative features in each group. In the inter-group selection, we utilize a linear regression model to select an optimal subset. This two-stage procedure continues until there are no more features arriving or some predefined stopping conditions are met. Finally, we apply our method to multiple tasks including image classification and face verification. Extensive empirical studies performed on real-world and benchmark data sets demonstrate that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art online feature selection methods.


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          Published In

          cover image IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
          IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  Volume 27, Issue 11
          Nov. 2015
          287 pages


          IEEE Educational Activities Department

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 November 2015

          Author Tags

          1. verification
          2. Online feature selection
          3. streaming feature
          4. group structure
          5. classification


          • Research-article


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