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Anonymous, Secure, Traceable, and Efficient Decentralized Digital Forensics

Published: 01 May 2024 Publication History


Digital forensics is crucial to fight crimes around the world. Decentralized Digital Forensics (DDF) promotes it to another level by channeling the power of blockchain into digital investigations. In this work, we focus on the privacy and security of DDF. Our motivations arise from (1) how to track an anonymous-and-malicious data user who leaks only a part of the previously requested data, (2) how to achieve access control while protecting data from untrusted data centers, and (3) how to enable efficient and secure search on the blockchain. To address these issues, we propose Themis: an anonymous and secure DDF scheme with traceable anonymity, private access control, and efficient search. Our framework is boosted by establishing a Trusted Execution Environment in each authority (blockchain node) for securing the uploading, requesting, and searching. To instantiate the framework, we design a secure and robust watermarking scheme in conjunction with decentralized anonymous authentication, a private and fine-grained access control scheme, and an efficient and secure search scheme based on a dynamically updated data structure. We formally define and prove the privacy and security of Themis. We build a prototype with Ethereum and Intel SGX2 to evaluate its performance, which supports processing data from a considerable number of data providers and investigators.


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  • (2024)Towards accountable and privacy-preserving blockchain-based access control for data sharingJournal of Information Security and Applications10.1016/j.jisa.2024.10386685:COnline publication date: 1-Sep-2024



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cover image IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  Volume 36, Issue 5
May 2024
458 pages


IEEE Educational Activities Department

United States

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Published: 01 May 2024


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  • (2024)Towards accountable and privacy-preserving blockchain-based access control for data sharingJournal of Information Security and Applications10.1016/j.jisa.2024.10386685:COnline publication date: 1-Sep-2024

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