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View all- Hu XTan LTang T(2024)M2BIST-SPNet: RUL prediction for railway signaling electromechanical devicesThe Journal of Supercomputing10.1007/s11227-024-06111-y80:12(16744-16774)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2024
A signcryption scheme encrypts and signs data in a single operation which is more efficient than using an encryption scheme combined with a signature scheme. Identity-based cryptography (IBC) does not require users to pre-compute key pairs and obtain ...
We introduce a new cryptographic primitive which is the signature analog of fuzzy identity based encryption (FIBE). We call it fuzzy identity based signature (FIBS). It possesses similar error-tolerance property as FIBE that allows a user with the ...
Physiological biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint, face, vein, and iris authentication have become or are becoming popular. Although these methods are highly accurate, they still have the problem of poor authentication due to ...
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