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Pixel Bleach Network for Detecting Face Forgery Under Compression

Published: 02 August 2023 Publication History


The existing face forgery algorithms have achieved remarkable progress in how to generate reasonable facial images and can even successfully deceive human beings. Considering public security, face forgery detection is of vital importance, making it essential to design face forgery detection algorithms to detect forgery images over the Internet. Despite the great success achieved by the existing Deepfake detection algorithms, they usually failed to achieve satisfactory Deepfake detection performance when deployed to handle the forgery videos in practice. One significant reason is compression. The videos over the Internet are inevitably compressed considering the transmission efficiency. The video compression results in significant Deepfake detection performance degradation for the existing Deepfake detection algorithms. To address this issue, in this article, we propose a generic, simple yet effective “bleaching” pre-processing module based on the generative model and the high-level feature representations to produce a bleached image, which shares a similar appearance with the compressed images. The bleached images with recovered information can be identified accurately by the optimized Deepfake detection models without retraining. The proposed method has utilized a redesigned feature representation, which serves as a navigator to effectively and sufficiently alter the feature distribution in the high-dimensional space to remedy the difference between real facial images and forgery counterparts. Thus, the proposed method can successfully avoid misclassification. Comprehensive and extensive experiments are carried out on four low-quality Faceforensics++ datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method in recovering the information loss caused by the compression artifacts across various backbones and compression.


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Published: 02 August 2023


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