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Adversarial Attack and Defense in Deep Ranking

Published: 13 February 2024 Publication History


Deep Neural Network classifiers are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where an imperceptible perturbation could result in misclassification. However, the vulnerability of DNN-based image ranking systems remains under-explored. In this paper, we propose two attacks against deep ranking systems, i.e., Candidate Attack and Query Attack, that can raise or lower the rank of chosen candidates by adversarial perturbations. Specifically, the expected ranking order is first represented as a set of inequalities. Then a triplet-like objective function is designed to obtain the optimal perturbation. Conversely, an anti-collapse triplet defense is proposed to improve the ranking model robustness against all proposed attacks, where the model learns to prevent the adversarial attack from pulling the positive and negative samples close to each other. To comprehensively measure the empirical adversarial robustness of a ranking model with our defense, we propose an empirical robustness score, which involves a set of representative attacks against ranking models. Our adversarial ranking attacks and defenses are evaluated on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, CUB200-2011, CARS196, and Stanford Online Products datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our attacks can effectively compromise a typical deep ranking system. Nevertheless, our defense can significantly improve the ranking system's robustness and simultaneously mitigate a wide range of attacks.


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  • (2024)Enhancing Adversarial Robustness for Deep Metric Learning via Attention-Aware Knowledge GuidanceAdvanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications10.1007/978-981-97-5615-5_9(103-117)Online publication date: 5-Aug-2024



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IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  Volume 46, Issue 8
Aug. 2024
664 pages


IEEE Computer Society

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Published: 13 February 2024


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  • (2024)Enhancing Adversarial Robustness for Deep Metric Learning via Attention-Aware Knowledge GuidanceAdvanced Intelligent Computing Technology and Applications10.1007/978-981-97-5615-5_9(103-117)Online publication date: 5-Aug-2024

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