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Matched representations and filters for guided waves

Published: 01 May 2009 Publication History


We propose time-frequency methods to filter dispersive guided wave signals. Guided waves occur in acoustical propagation (oceanic waveguides), geophysics (layered medium), or optics (dielectric optical waveguides). In waveguides, signals can be decomposed into normal modes which contain information on environmental parameters and source localization. As modes present nonlinear time-frequency evolution, modal filtering is not possible with conventional tools. To overcome the difficulty presented by these nonlinearties, we have developed matched tools: matched frequency and time-frequency representations and the modal filterings associated with these representations. The tools developed are based on unitary equivalence principle. Performance and robustness of different proposed modal filters are evaluated and compared. All of these tools can be used for both source localization and environmental inversion.


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Cited By

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  • (2015)Best basis compressive sensing of guided waves in structural health monitoringDigital Signal Processing10.1016/j.dsp.2015.04.00142:C(35-42)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015
  • (2010)Underwater broadband source localization based on modal filtering and features extractionEURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing10.1155/2010/3041032010(1-7)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010



Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  Volume 57, Issue 5
May 2009
396 pages


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2009
Accepted: 20 November 2008
Received: 27 February 2008

Author Tags

  1. Guided waves
  2. guided waves
  3. time-frequency filtering
  4. unitary equivalence


  • Research-article


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  • (2015)Best basis compressive sensing of guided waves in structural health monitoringDigital Signal Processing10.1016/j.dsp.2015.04.00142:C(35-42)Online publication date: 1-Jul-2015
  • (2010)Underwater broadband source localization based on modal filtering and features extractionEURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing10.1155/2010/3041032010(1-7)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2010

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