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BiSet: Semantic Edge Bundling with Biclusters for Sensemaking

Published: 31 January 2016 Publication History


Identifying coordinated relationships is an important task in data analytics. For example, an intelligence analyst might want to discover three suspicious people who all visited the same four cities. Existing techniques that display individual relationships, such as between lists of entities, require repetitious manual selection and significant mental aggregation in cluttered visualizations to find coordinated relationships. In this paper, we present BiSet, a visual analytics technique to support interactive exploration of coordinated relationships. In BiSet, we model coordinated relationships as biclusters and algorithmically mine them from a dataset. Then, we visualize the biclusters in context as bundled edges between sets of related entities. Thus, bundles enable analysts to infer task-oriented semantic insights about potentially coordinated activities. We make bundles as first class objects and add a new layer, “in-between”, to contain these bundle objects. Based on this, bundles serve to organize entities represented in lists and visually reveal their membership. Users can interact with edge bundles to organize related entities, and vice versa, for sensemaking purposes. With a usage scenario, we demonstrate how BiSet supports the exploration of coordinated relationships in text analytics.


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      Published In

      cover image IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
      IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  Volume 22, Issue 1
      Jan. 2016
      1034 pages


      IEEE Educational Activities Department

      United States

      Publication History

      Published: 31 January 2016

      Author Tags

      1. semantic edge bundling
      2. Bicluster
      3. coordinated relationship


      • Research-article


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