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A Self-Occlusion Aware Lighting Model for Real-Time Dynamic Reconstruction

Published: 01 October 2023 Publication History


In real-time dynamic reconstruction, geometry and motion are the major focuses while appearance is not fully explored, leading to the low-quality appearance of the reconstructed surfaces. In this article, we propose a lightweight lighting model that considers spatially varying lighting conditions caused by self-occlusion. This model estimates per-vertex masks on top of a single Spherical Harmonic (SH) lighting to represent spatially varying lighting conditions without adding too much computation cost. The mask is estimated based on the local geometry of a vertex to model the self-occlusion effect, which is the major reason leading to the spatial variation of lighting. Furthermore, to use this model in dynamic reconstruction, we also improve the motion estimation quality by adding a real-time per-vertex displacement estimation step. Experiments demonstrate that both the reconstructed appearance and the motion are largely improved compared with the current state-of-the-art techniques.


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