guitARhero: Interactive Augmented Reality Guitar Tutorials
Pages 4676 - 4685
This paper presents guitARhero, an Augmented Reality application for interactively teaching guitar playing to beginners through responsive visualizations overlaid on the guitar neck. We support two types of visual guidance, a highlighting of the frets that need to be pressed and a 3D hand overlay, as well as two display scenarios, one using a desktop magic mirror and one using a video see-through head-mounted display. We conducted a user study with 20 participants to evaluate how well users could follow instructions presented with different guidance and display combinations and compare these to a baseline where users had to follow video instructions. Our study highlights the trade-off between the provided information and visual clarity affecting the user's ability to interpret and follow instructions for fine-grained tasks. We show that the perceived usefulness of instruction integration into an HMD view highly depends on the hardware capabilities and instruction details.
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Haptics in Augmented Reality
ICMCS '99: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems - Volume 2An augmented reality system merges synthetic sensory information into a user's perception of a three-dimensional environment. An important performance goal for an augmented reality system is that the user perceives a single seamless environment. In most ...
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