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Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling

Published: 01 May 2015 Publication History


A popular mode of shape synthesis involves mixing and matching parts from different objects to form a coherent whole. The key challenge is to efficiently synthesize shape variations that are plausible, both locally and globally. A major obstacle is to assemble the objects with local consistency, i.e., all the connections between parts are valid with no dangling open connections. The combinatorial complexity of this problem limits existing methods in geometric and/or topological variations of the synthesized models. In this work, we introduce replaceable substructures as arrangements of parts that can be interchanged while ensuring boundary consistency. The consistency information is extracted from part labels and connections in the original source models. We present a polynomial time algorithm that discovers such substructures by working on a dual of the original shape graph that encodes inter-part connectivity. We demonstrate the algorithm on a range of test examples producing plausible shape variations, both from a geometric and from a topological viewpoint.


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  1. Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling



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    Published In

    cover image Computer Graphics Forum
    Computer Graphics Forum  Volume 34, Issue 2
    May 2015
    758 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    The Eurographs Association & John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

    Chichester, United Kingdom

    Publication History

    Published: 01 May 2015


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