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The Ising Antiferromagnet and Max Cut on Random Regular Graphs

Published: 01 January 2022 Publication History


The Ising antiferromagnet is an important statistical physics model with close connections to the Max Cut problem. Combining spatial mixing arguments with the method of moments and the interpolation method, we pinpoint the replica symmetry breaking phase transition predicted by physicists. Additionally, we rigorously establish upper bounds on the Max Cut of random regular graphs predicted by Zdeborová and Boettcher [J. Stat. Mech., 2010 (2010), P02020]. As an application we prove that the information-theoretic threshold of the disassortative stochastic block model on random regular graphs coincides with the Kesten--Stigum bound.


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  • (2023)Optimizing solution-samplers for combinatorial problemsProceedings of the 37th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems10.5555/3666122.3666741(14035-14069)Online publication date: 10-Dec-2023

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  1. The Ising Antiferromagnet and Max Cut on Random Regular Graphs
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            Published In

            cover image SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
            SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics  Volume 36, Issue 2
            Jun 2022
            612 pages
            Issue’s Table of Contents


            Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

            United States

            Publication History

            Published: 01 January 2022

            Author Tags

            1. Ising antiferromagnet
            2. Max Cut
            3. random regular graphs
            4. phase transition
            5. Kesten--Stigum bound

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            1. 05C80


            • Research-article


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            • (2023)Optimizing solution-samplers for combinatorial problemsProceedings of the 37th International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems10.5555/3666122.3666741(14035-14069)Online publication date: 10-Dec-2023

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