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10.1145/1094811.1094849acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessplashConference Proceedingsconference-collections

PolyD: a flexible dispatching framework

Published: 12 October 2005 Publication History


The standard dispatching mechanisms built into programming languages are sometimes inadequate to the needs of the programmer. In the case of Java, the need for more flexibility has led to the development of a number of tools, including visitors and multi-method extensions, that each add some particular functionality, but lack the generality necessary to support user-defined dispatching mechanisms. In this paper we advocate a more modular approach to dispatching, and we present a tool, PolyD, that allows the programmer to design custom dispatching strategies and to parametrize many aspects of the dispatching process. PolyD exhibits excellent performance and compares well against existing tools.


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  • (2008)Multiple dispatch in practiceACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/1449955.144980843:10(563-582)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2008
  • (2008)The visitor pattern as a reusable, generic, type-safe componentACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/1449955.144979943:10(439-456)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2008
  • (2008)Multiple dispatch in practiceProceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems languages and applications10.1145/1449764.1449808(563-582)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2008
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cover image ACM Conferences
OOPSLA '05: Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications
October 2005
562 pages
  • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
    ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 40, Issue 10
    Proceedings of the 20th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications
    October 2005
    531 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 12 October 2005


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  1. Java
  2. dispatching
  3. multimethods
  4. visitor pattern


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  • (2008)Multiple dispatch in practiceACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/1449955.144980843:10(563-582)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2008
  • (2008)The visitor pattern as a reusable, generic, type-safe componentACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/1449955.144979943:10(439-456)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2008
  • (2008)Multiple dispatch in practiceProceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems languages and applications10.1145/1449764.1449808(563-582)Online publication date: 19-Oct-2008
  • (2008)The RunaboutSoftware: Practice and Experience10.1002/spe.87838:14(1531-1560)Online publication date: 22-May-2008
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