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Gossip-based peer sampling

Published: 01 August 2007 Publication History


Gossip-based communication protocols are appealing in large-scale distributed applications such as information dissemination, aggregation, and overlay topology management. This paper factors out a fundamental mechanism at the heart of all these protocols: the peer-sampling service. In short, this service provides every node with peers to gossip with. We promote this service to the level of a first-class abstraction of a large-scale distributed system, similar to a name service being a first-class abstraction of a local-area system. We present a generic framework to implement a peer-sampling service in a decentralized manner by constructing and maintaining dynamic unstructured overlays through gossiping membership information itself. Our framework generalizes existing approaches and makes it easy to discover new ones. We use this framework to empirically explore and compare several implementations of the peer-sampling service. Through extensive simulation experiments we show that---although all protocols provide a good quality uniform random stream of peers to each node locally---traditional theoretical assumptions about the randomness of the unstructured overlays as a whole do not hold in any of the instances. We also show that different design decisions result in severe differences from the point of view of two crucial aspects: load balancing and fault tolerance. Our simulations are validated by means of a wide-area implementation.


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ACM Transactions on Computer Systems  Volume 25, Issue 3
August 2007
121 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 01 August 2007
Published in TOCS Volume 25, Issue 3


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