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Termination of rewriting under strategies

Published: 02 March 2009 Publication History


A termination proof method for rewriting under strategies, based on an explicit induction on the termination property, is presented and instantiated for the innermost, outermost, and local strategies. Rewriting trees are simulated by proof trees generated with an abstraction mechanism, narrowing and constraints representing sets of ground terms. Abstraction introduces variables to represent normal forms without computing them and to control the narrowing mechanism, well known to easily diverge. The induction ordering is not given a priori, but defined with ordering constraints, incrementally set during the proof. It is established that termination under strategy is equivalent to the construction of finite proof trees schematizing terminating rewriting trees. Sufficient effective conditions to ensure finiteness are studied and the method is illustrated on several examples for each specific strategy.

Supplementary Material

Gnaedig Appendix (a10-gnaedig-apndx.pdf)
Online appendix to termination of rewriting under strategies. The appendix supports the information on article 10.


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  1. Termination of rewriting under strategies



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                                              cover image ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
                                              ACM Transactions on Computational Logic  Volume 10, Issue 2
                                              February 2009
                                              275 pages
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                                              Association for Computing Machinery

                                              New York, NY, United States

                                              Publication History

                                              Published: 02 March 2009
                                              Accepted: 01 September 2007
                                              Revised: 01 August 2007
                                              Received: 01 September 2006
                                              Published in TOCL Volume 10, Issue 2


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                                              Author Tags

                                              1. Abstraction
                                              2. induction
                                              3. innermost
                                              4. local strategy
                                              5. narrowing
                                              6. ordering constraint
                                              7. outermost
                                              8. termination


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