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Vlogging: A survey of videoblogging technology on the web

Published: 23 June 2010 Publication History


In recent years, blogging has become an exploding passion among Internet communities. By combining the grassroots blogging with the richness of expression available in video, videoblogs (vlogs for short) will be a powerful new media adjunct to our existing televised news sources. Vlogs have gained much attention worldwide, especially with Google's acquisition of YouTube. This article presents a comprehensive survey of videoblogging (vlogging for short) as a new technological trend. We first summarize the technological challenges for vlogging as four key issues that need to be answered. Along with their respective possibilities, we give a review of the currently available techniques and tools supporting vlogging, and envision emerging technological directions for future vlogging. Several multimedia technologies are introduced to empower vlogging technology with better scalability, interactivity, searchability, and accessability, and to potentially reduce the legal, economic, and moral risks of vlogging applications. We also make an in-depth investigation of various vlog mining topics from a research perspective and present several incentive applications such as user-targeted video advertising and collective intelligence gaming. We believe that vlogging and its applications will bring new opportunities and drives to the research in related fields.


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Accepted: 01 February 2009
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Received: 01 April 2006
Published in CSUR Volume 42, Issue 4


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