Synchronous metadata management of large storage systems
Today filesystems of big companies are both huge and distributed amongst the world. They contain huge sets of metadata, but are not optimized to analyze them. In contrast, if metadata is stored in a database system and updated synchronously, it could be analyzed and processed in a much easier and straightforward way. Then even adding new attributes, not natively supported by the underlying filesystem, is easily possible. Thus, synchronous metadata storage in a database system can help managing and administrating huge filesystems efficiently but must not slow down the filesystem significantly. The aim of this paper is to describe possible solutions for synchronous metadata storage, inspect how such an integration of filesystem and database system might look like and evaluate the performance.
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Metadata management and relational databases
ACMSE '05 vol 1: Proceedings of the 43rd annual ACM Southeast Conference - Volume 1
A simple extension to the relational model that permits meta-data (more generally metaknowledge) to be stored and manipulated as first class data is proposed. The accompanying query language is SQL extended with reification and reflection capabilities. ...
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August 2010
282 pages
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- ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
- BytePress
- Concordia University: Concordia University
Association for Computing Machinery
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Published: 16 August 2010
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- Research-article
- Concordia University
IDEAS '10: Fourteenth International Database Engineering & Applications
August 16 - 18, 2010
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