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10.1145/1891903.1891924acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pagesicmi-mlmiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Toward natural interaction in the real world: real-time gesture recognition

Published: 08 November 2010 Publication History


Using a new hand tracking technology capable of tracking 3D hand postures in real-time, we developed a recognition system for continuous natural gestures. By natural gestures, we mean those encountered in spontaneous interaction, rather than a set of artificial gestures chosen to simplify recognition. To date we have achieved 95.6% accuracy on isolated gesture recognition, and 73% recognition rate on continuous gesture recognition, with data from 3 users and twelve gesture classes. We connected our gesture recognition system to Google Earth, enabling real time gestural control of a 3D map. We describe the challenges of signal accuracy and signal interpretation presented by working in a real-world environment, and detail how we overcame them.


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  1. Toward natural interaction in the real world: real-time gesture recognition



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      ICMI-MLMI '10: International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction
      November 2010
      311 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 08 November 2010


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      Author Tags

      1. digital table interaction
      2. gesture recognition
      3. interactive maps
      4. multimodal interaction
      5. natural human computer interaction


      • Research-article

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      ICMI-MLMI '10

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      ICMI-MLMI '10 Paper Acceptance Rate 41 of 100 submissions, 41%;
      Overall Acceptance Rate 453 of 1,080 submissions, 42%


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      • (2017)LabDesignARProceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology10.1145/3139131.3141778(1-2)Online publication date: 8-Nov-2017
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