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View all- Rodríguez-Maya NFlores JVerel SGraff M(2023)Models to classify the difficulty of genetic algorithms to solve continuous optimization problemsNatural Computing10.1007/s11047-022-09936-923:2(431-451)Online publication date: 12-Jan-2023
- Lorena AGarcia LLehmann JSouto MHo T(2019)How Complex Is Your Classification Problem?ACM Computing Surveys10.1145/334771152:5(1-34)Online publication date: 13-Sep-2019
- Martínez YTrujillo LLegrand PGalván-López E(2016)Prediction of expected performance for a genetic programming classifierGenetic Programming and Evolvable Machines10.1007/s10710-016-9265-917:4(409-449)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016
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