It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 2011 12th International Workshop on Principles on Software Evolution and 7th ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution -- IWPSE-EVOL 2011. Research in software evolution and evolvability has been thriving in the past years, with a constant stream of new formalisms, tools, techniques, and development methodologies trying, on the one hand, to facilitate the way long-lived successful software systems can be changed in order to cope with demands from users and the increasing complexity and volatility of the contexts in which such systems operate, and, on the other hand, to understand and if possible control the processes by which demand for these changes come about.
The IWPSE-EVOL 2011 workshop is the merger of the 12th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE) and the 7th annual ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution (EVOL). The objectives of this joint event is to provide a forum to discuss a wide range of topics in software evolution, to foster the better understanding of the nature of software evolution, and to accelerate research activities on the subject.
This year's edition of IWPSE-EVOL is held in conjunction with ESEC/FSE, the joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, as it has been the case multiple times in the past, most recently in 2005, 2007, and 2009. The IWPSE and EVOL workshops have been held together since 2009.
The IWPSE-EVOL 2011 workshop has attracted 37 submissions from 87 authors. The 27 program committee members and 16 external reviewers selected 17 submissions for presentation and publication. The accepted submissions include 9 full research papers, 6 short or position papers, and 2 tool demonstration paper. The acceptance rate for full research papers was 42%.
The workshop program also features a keynote talk by an internationally recognized expert in software engineering, software maintenance and evolution: Prem Devanbu. Prem will talk about his latest research developments in Mining Software Repositories, an area which has a lot of overlap with Software Evolution.
The 2011 edition of IWPSE-EVOL is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Meir M. "Manny" Lehman, who sadly passed away in December 2010. Manny Lehman was known as the "Father of software evolution", since his seminal work with Les Belady on the development of IBM's OS/360. Their early empirical studies gave birth to the widely known Laws of Software Evolution. Manny was also recognized by the software engineering community at large, being program co-chair of the 4th ICSE in 1975, and general chair of the 8th ICSE in 1985.
Proceeding Downloads
Challenges of evolving sequential to parallel code: an exploratory review
Large legacy systems that have been in use for several decades need to evolve in order to take advantage of new technological advances. One such development is the emergence of multi-core processors and parallel platforms. However, the evolution of code ...
Run-time phenomena in dynamic software updating: causes and effects
The development of a dynamic software updating system for statically-typed object-oriented programming languages has turned out to be a challenging task. Despite the fact that the present state of the art in dynamic updating systems, like JRebel, ...
Requirements evolution drives software evolution
Changes to software should be made with reference to the requirements of that software, as these requirements provide the reasons for a change. Requirements serve to tie the implementation world of the developers to the problem world of the ...
Towards a benchmark for traceability
Rigorously evaluating and comparing traceability link generation techniques is a challenging task. In fact, traceability is still expensive to implement and it is therefore difficult to find a complete case study that includes both a rich set of ...
Towards a classification of logical dependencies origins: a case study
Logical dependencies are implicit relationships established between software artifacts that have evolved together. Software engineering researchers have investigated this kind of dependency to assess fault-proneness, detect design issues, infer code ...
A taxonomy for software change impact analysis
Most software is accompanied by frequent changes, whereas the implementation of a single change can affect many different parts of the system. Approaches for Impact Analysis have been developed to assist developers with changing software. However, there ...
Using the gini coefficient for bug prediction in eclipse
The Gini coefficient is a prominent measure to quantify the inequality of a distribution. It is often used in the field of economy to describe how goods, e.g., wealth or farmland, are distributed among people. We use the Gini coefficient to measure code ...
Are the classes that use exceptions defect prone?
Exception handling is a mechanism that highlights exceptional functionality of software systems. Currently many empirical studies point out that sometimes developers neglect exceptional functionality, minimizing its importance. In this paper we ...
Causes of premature aging during software development: an observational study
Much work has been done on the subject of what happens to software architecture during maintenance activities. There seems to be a consensus that it degrades during the evolution of the software. More recent work shows that this degradation occurs even ...
Network analysis of OSS evolution: an empirical study on ArgoUML project
While complexity is an essential problem inherent in software system and its development, OSS (Open-Source Software) is not an exception and is not immune to this problem as well. The fast growth of OSS movement has impressed us with reduced cost but ...
User generated (web) content: trash or treasure
It has been claimed that the advent of user-generated content has reshaped the way people approached all sorts of content realization projects, being multimedia (YouTube, DeviantArt, etc.), knowledge (Wikipedia, blogs), to software in general, when ...
Measuring multi-language software evolution: a case study
Characterising and measuring software developed in multiple languages is a problem for practitioners. Rather than a language-based approach, we avoid difficulties related to syntax, semantics and language paradigms by looking directly at relative shared ...
Historage: fine-grained version control system for Java
Software systems are changed continuously for adapting to the environment, correcting faults, improving performance, and so on. For in-depth analysis related to software evolution, it is informative to obtain the histories of fine-grained source code ...
An editing-operation replayer with highlights supporting investigation of program modifications
In editing source code of a program on modern integrated development environments, automated recording of editing operations has become popular. These operations enable past program modifications to be investigated in detail. However, such investigation ...
Problem-solution mapping for forward and reengineering on architectural level
Software architectures play a key role for the development and evolution of software systems because they have to enable their quality properties such as scalability, flexibility, and security. Software architectural decisions represent a transition ...
Challenges in model-based evolution and merging of access control policies
Access Control plays a crucial part in software security, as it is responsible for making sure that users have access to the resources they need while being forbidden from accessing resources they do not need. Access control models such as Role-Based ...
An agent-based framework for distributed collaborative model evolution
In recent years, an increasingly large number of software systems have been developed at different geographical regions. As a result, the maintenance and evolution of those systems have shifted from being conducted at a single site to being ...
- Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution and the 7th annual ERCIM Workshop on Software Evolution